1. 3Frymier, J. “Bureaucracy and the neutering of teachers”,Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 69, 1987, pp. 9‐14.
2. 4Henley, M. “Something is missing from the education reform movement”,Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 69, 1987, pp. 284‐5.
3. Missing Pieces of the Educational Reform Agenda: Or, Why the First and Second Waves May Miss the Boat
4. 7Mitchell, J.E. “Coaxing staff from cages for site‐based decisions to fly”,School Administrator, Vol. 47 No. 2, 1990, pp. 23‐6.
5. 8Swanson, A.D. “Restructuring educational governance: a challenge of the 1990s”,Educational Administration Quarterly, 1989.