PurposeThis study explores the factors impacting user adoption and trust in blockchain-based food delivery systems, with a spotlight on the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). In the evolving food delivery sector, blockchain offers transparency and efficiency. Through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) lens, this research provides insights for businesses and policymakers, highlighting the importance of blockchain’s integration into food delivery.Design/methodology/approachThe research employed the UTAUT and its extensions as the theoretical framework. A structured questionnaire was developed and disseminated to users of the ONDC platform, and responses were collected on a seven-point extended Likert scale. The analyses were undertaken employing the partial least squares (PLS) methodology and structural equation modelling (SEM).FindingsKey factors like performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence were found influential for adoption. Trust played a central role, while perceived risk didn’t significantly mediate the adoption process. Digital culture didn’t significantly moderate the adoption intention.Originality/valueThis research adds to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical insights into user adoption and trust in blockchain-based food delivery platforms. It is among the pioneer studies to apply the UTAUT model in the realm of blockchain-based food delivery platforms, thereby offering a unique perspective on the dynamics of user behaviour in this emerging field.