Two important, although neglected, dimensions of market exchange are the
temporal and the social. Exchanges, particularly those between
organizations, may be thought of as embedded in a social framework which
rewards continuity. Similarly exchanges between the same entities which
recur over time take on a different character from those which are
instantaneous and atomistic. Such patterns of exchange create a
framework, of among other things, expectations, trust, adaptations and
investments which can be said to comprise the elements of a
relationship. Addresses the many reasons why individuals, but especially
organizations, choose to give up freedom of choice and the open market
for the confines of a stable and long‐term relationship. Where such
relationships exist they provide a measure of continuity in the workings
of markets. This, in turn, gives rise to enduring structures which have
been labelled industrial networks. Such structures provide an important
framework for exchanges within a market since they introduce
interdependence and stability into the system. Markets are thus
networks of connected exchange relationships, among individuals and
organizations, located in time and space, and whose identity is both the
product and the outcome of these exchange patterns.
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81 articles.