1. Irwin, J. and Reid, D. (2006), “ISO and I reap; lessons learned from Antipodean implementations of the ISO‐ILL protocol”, Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 34 No. 3, pp. 132‐9.
2. Irwin, J. and Wilson, C. (2004), “Liddas at the University of Auckland: a new approach to document delivery management”, LIANZA Conference 2004: Made in New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 5‐8 September 2004, LIANZA, Wellington.
3. Irwin, J. and Wilson, C. (2006), “Document delivery at the University of Auckland Library”, Interloans in Next Generation Libraries, LIANZA, Wellington.
4. National Resource Sharing Working Group (Australia) (2001), Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Benchmarking Study, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT, available at www.nla.gov.au/initiatives/nrswg/illdd_rpt.pdf (accessed 26 August 2008).
5. Reid, D., Bowden, M. and McCartin, S. (2004), End‐user requesting – trail‐blazing Kiwi style, LIANZA Conference 2004: Made in New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 5‐8 September 2004, LIANZA, Wellington (available from the authors).