Nickel Laterites: A Review


Gleeson S.A.1,Butt C.R.M.2,Elias M.3


1. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E3; e-mail,

2. CSIRO Exploration and Mining, PO Box 1130, Bentley, WA, Australia 6102

3. Mick Elias Associates, CSA Australia Pty Ltd., Level 1, 47 Burswood Road (PO Box 139), Burswood, WA, Australia 6100


ABSTRACT Nickel laterite deposits are formed by the prolonged and pervasive weathering of Ni silicate-bearing ultramafıc rocks, generally in tropical to subtropical climates. The deposits can be further classifıed as hydrous silicate deposits (e.g., SLN Operations, New Caledonia), clay silicate deposits (e.g., Murrin Murrin, Australia), and oxide deposits (e.g., Moa Bay, Cuba; Cawse, Australia) on the basis of the ore mineralogy. The physical and chemical nature of a nickel laterite deposit is a function of many factors, including the composition of the parent rock, the tectonic setting, climate, topography (specifıcally, laterite morphology), and drainage. Nickel laterite ore is extracted using both selective and bulk mining methods in open cast mining operations. The mined ore has traditionally been processed either by hydrometallurgical leaching technology (pressure acid leach or Caron processes) to produce oxides of nickel and cobalt or mixed Ni-Co sulfıdes for market, or by pyrometallurgical smelting to produce ferronickel granules or nickel matte. However, recent advances in high-pressure acid leaching and continued testing of atmospheric leach technology should lead to a reduction in overall operating costs and increased exploitation of Ni laterite resources in the future.


Society of Economic Geologists







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