A hemipteran insect reveals new genetic mechanisms and evolutionary insights into tracheal system development


Hanna Lisa,Popadić Aleksandar


The diversity in the organization of the tracheal system is one of the drivers of insect evolutionary success; however, the genetic mechanisms responsible are yet to be elucidated. Here, we highlight the advantages of utilizing hemimetabolous insects, such as the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus, in which the final adult tracheal patterning can be directly inferred by examining its blueprint in embryos. By reporting the expression patterns, functions, and Hox gene regulation of trachealess (trh), ventral veinless (vvl), and cut (ct), key genes involved in tracheal development, this study provides important insights. First, Hox genes function as activators, modifiers, and suppressors of trh expression, which in turn results in a difference between the thoracic and abdominal tracheal organization. Second, spiracle morphogenesis requires the input of both trh and ct, where ct is positively regulated by trh. As Hox genes regulate trh, we can now mechanistically explain the previous observations of their effects on spiracle formation. Third, the default state of vvl expression in the thorax, in the absence of Hox gene expression, features three lateral cell clusters connected to ducts. Fourth, the exocrine scent glands express vvl and are regulated by Hox genes. These results extend previous findings [Sánchez-Higueras et al., 2014], suggesting that the exocrine glands, similar to the endocrine, develop from the same primordia that give rise to the trachea. The presence of such versatile primordia in the miracrustacean ancestor could account for the similar gene networks found in the glandular and respiratory organs of both insects and crustaceans.




Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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