1. Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, 0316, Oslo, Norway
2. Department of Microbiology, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, 0372, Oslo, Norway
3. Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, CNRS UMR7104, Inserm U1258, Université de Strasbourg, 67400, Illkirch, France
4. Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491, Trondheim, Norway
5. Institute of Biochemistry, Biology Department, ETH Zurich, 8093, Zurich, Switzerland
6. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, 0372, Oslo, Norway
7. Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, 0318, Oslo, Norway