PD-1 preferentially inhibits the activation of low-affinity T cells


Shimizu KenjiORCID,Sugiura DaisukeORCID,Okazaki Il-miORCID,Maruhashi TakumiORCID,Takemoto TatsuyaORCID,Okazaki TakuORCID


Anti–PD-1 therapies can activate tumor-specific T cells to destroy tumors. However, whether and how T cells with different antigen specificity and affinity are differentially regulated by PD-1 remain vaguely understood. Upon antigen stimulation, a variety of genes is induced in T cells. Recently, we found that T cell receptor (TCR) signal strength required for the induction of genes varies across different genes and PD-1 preferentially inhibits the induction of genes that require stronger TCR signal. As each T cell has its own response characteristics, inducibility of genes likely differs across different T cells. Accordingly, the inhibitory effects of PD-1 are also expected to differ across different T cells. In the current study, we investigated whether and how factors that modulate T cell responsiveness to antigenic stimuli influence PD-1 function. By analyzing TCRs with different affinities to peptide–MHC complexes (pMHC) and pMHCs with different affinities to TCR, we demonstrated that PD-1 inhibits the expression of TCR-inducible genes efficiently when TCR:pMHC affinity is low. In contrast, affinities of peptides to MHC and MHC expression levels did not affect PD-1 sensitivity of TCR-inducible genes although they markedly altered the dose responsiveness of T cells by changing the efficiency of pMHC formation, suggesting that the strength of individual TCR signal is the key determinant of PD-1 sensitivity. Accordingly, we observed a preferential expansion of T cells with low-affinity to tumor-antigen in PD-1–deficient mice upon inoculation of tumor cells. These results demonstrate that PD-1 imposes qualitative control of T cell responses by preferentially suppressing low-affinity T cells.


Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development

MEXT | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences










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