1. Dep. of Plant Sciences; One Shields Ave., Univ. of California; Davis CA 95616
2. USDA-ARS, Delta Water Management Research Unit; 504 University Loop East Jonesboro AR 72401
3. PO Box 571, 17 Jill Lane Casscoe AR 72026
4. Louisiana State Univ.; Agricultural Center; H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, 1373 Caffey Rd. Rayne LA 70578
5. 231 ENGR Hall, Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Univ. of Arkansas Fayetteville AR 72701
6. Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center; 1509 Aggie Dr. Beaumont TX 77713
7. Field to Market, 777 N. Capitol St., NE Suite 803 Washington, DC 20002