1. U.S. Geological Survey New York Water Science Center; Troy NY 12180
2. School of Forest Resources, Univ. of Maine; Orono ME 04469-5722
3. Environmental Science and Policy Division; Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke Univ.; Durham NC 27708
4. Dep. of Plant and Soil Science; Univ. of Vermont; Burlington VT 05405
5. Natural Resources Canada-Canadian Forest Service; Sault Ste. Marie ON 6A 2E5 Canada
6. U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest; North Woodstock NH 03262
7. Direction de la recherche forestière, ministère des Resources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec, Complexe scientifique; Ste-Foy QC G1P 3W8 Canada
8. Dep. of Natural Sciences; Assumption College; Worcester MA 01609
9. Dep. of Earth and Environmental Science; Univ. of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia PA 19104
10. Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences; Pennsylvania State Univ.; University Park PA 16802
11. Dep. of Geology; College of William and Mary; Williamsburg VA 23187
12. Dep. of Geography and Planning; Univ. at Albany; Albany NY 12222
13. E&S Environmental Chemistry, Inc.; Corvallis OR 97339