Archaelogy, genetics and history 15 years of research in Yakutia (2002–2017)


Crubézy E.1ORCID,Melnichuk O.2ORCID,Alexeev A.3ORCID


1. Scientific Research National Center (CNRS), University of Toulouse III

2. North-Eastern Federal University

3. The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN)


For the past 15 years, our research has focused on the evolution of the first Yakut populations, their interaction with local tribes as well as with the Russian population, which marks the beginning of Yakutia's development from the first half of the 17th century. We conducted the excavation of tombs and we analysed the cultural, historical and paleogenetic data uncovered. A review and a synthesis of the main results published in articles and monographs informs our research directions for the future.


Tyumen Scientific Center of the SB RAS



Reference27 articles.

1. Alexeev A.N. (1996). Ancient Yakutia: The Iron Age and the Middle Ages. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo In-ta arkheologii i etnografii SO RAN. (Rus.).

2. Alexeev A.N., Crubézy E. (2016). Representations of Paired Horse Heads in Yakut Art: Past and Present. Archaeology. Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Evrazii, 44(2), 91–101. (Rus.).

3. Biagini P., Thèves C., Balaresque P., Géraut A., Cannet C., Keyser C., Nikolaeva D., Gérard P., Duchesne S., Orlando L., Willerslev E., Alekseev A.N., de Micco P., Ludes B., Crubézy E. (2012). Variola Virus in a 300-Year-Old Siberian Mummy. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(21), 2057–59.

4. Bravina R. (1996). Funerary Rite of the Yakuts (XVIII–XIX centuries). Iakutsk: Izd-vo IaGU. (Rus.).

5. Crubézy E., Alexeev A.N. (Ed.) (2007). Chamane. Kyys, jeune fille des glaces. Paris: Errance.







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