State policy regarding the welfare of the population and food security of Ukraine in the context of its competitiveness: theoretical aspect


,Sytnyk HryhoriiORCID,Taran YevheniiORCID,


The article is devoted to analyzing the dependence on population well-being and food security in Ukraine in the context of post-war reconstruction and state competitiveness, as well as the risks and limitations of state policy. The article combines three concepts for the first time: «well-being of the population”, «food security», «state competitiveness». The authors used various theoretical and practical approaches, criteria, indicators, and methods that reflect different aspects and problems of population well-being and state competitiveness. They also considered international standards and recommendations and the specificity of national conditions and needs. Population well-being, food security, and state competitiveness depend on each other, but they are not a linear and unambiguous dependence. Various factors, such as context, values, interests, strategies, and policies, influence this dependence. Post-war reconstruction and state competitiveness create new challenges and threats to population well-being and food security in Ukraine, such as uneven distribution of resources, goods, opportunities, and influence among different groups of the population, especially vulnerable and marginalized, negative impact on the environment, which is an essential factor of population well-being, reduction of quality of life, health, security, and happiness of the population. The author proposed a strategy that would consider the interests and needs of different population groups and the preservation and improvement of the environment. Such a strategy should be based on the guaranteed minimum level of well-being, ensuring equal opportunities, improving quality of life, strengthening social cohesion, and ensuring social security, protection, responsibility, and integration. The risks and limitations of state policy on population well-being in Ukraine can be prevented and overcome by conducting administrative, economic, demographic, social, political, defense, environmental, and cultural reforms. The results of this study can be used for planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of state policy on population well-being and state competitiveness in Ukraine, as well as for cooperation with international partners and the public. The author calls for further research on these issues, especially using new data, methods, and tools. Keywords: state policy, food security, well-being, population, Ukraine, strategy, scientific foundations, priorities, challenges, post-war reconstruction, competitiveness, state.


Drukarnia Madryd

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