1. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Introduction. Territorial competitiveness management is currently recognized as one of the main factors in the competitive development of the national economy. The problems of ensuring the competitiveness of territories become especially relevant in the context of decentralization, the main purpose of which is to create effective, functional and financially self-sustaining territorial communities capable of ensuring a decent standard of living. Each territory has its own competitive advantages, which, provided the application of effective management mechanisms will help increase the competitiveness of the business located in these areas.
The aim of the article is the process of regional management of business processes in the context of decentralization of power in Ukraine.
Results. In the context of decentralization, the main goal and, at the same time, an important applied problem of regional development is the search for the most optimal business-oriented models of economic development of regions (territories) and tools to ensure their viability. The experience of developed economies shows that at the initial stage of formation (modernization, adaptation) of a competitive business model of territorial development an important task is to find key "growth points" and stimulate their development to ensure economic and social stability of regional systems in the medium term. basic conditions for a gradual transition to innovation-oriented competitive systems.
Conclusions. In order to improve regional strategies and optimize business models for the development of regions and individual administrative-territorial entities, a model for assessing the region's sectoral priorities in the medium term is proposed, based on assessing the economic and social potential of industries or individual economic activities. territories, strategic priorities of business development and corresponding strategies of their support.
Keywords: business processes, business, national features, regional features, regional management.
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