1. Missouri Western State University
2. PHC Ventures and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Conducted in a nursing curriculum, this study explores the potential role of integrating critical reflection and case studies within professional practice degree programs. Forty-six students read a book-length case study, participated in a professional development event related to the book, questioned the book’s author in face-to-face interaction, and used the DEAL (Describe, Examine, Articulate Learning) Model for Critical Reflection (Ash & Clayton, 2009a; Ash & Clayton, 2009b). Feedback using the DEAL Model Critical Thinking Table was given to students after the first critical reflection essay, and students used that feedback to deepen their thinking in the second critical reflection essay. Analysis of the critical thinking scores on the first and second essays confirmed increases in the quality of student reasoning. Reflections also provided evidence of improved understanding of palliative care and student ownership of their own learning. Results suggested the value of enhancing the applied learning pedagogy of case studies through critical reflection.
Missouri Western State University
Reference39 articles.
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