The teachers who, on a day-to-day basis, take on the task of educating students with disabilities in a diverse classroom environment undoubtedly collaborate in a very relevant social function when they take on the task of developing these students academically while at the same time supporting their integration into society. This research aimed to investigate the reasons that motivate teachers to work with students with identified disabilities. The qualitative study relied on Grounded Theory in the process of collecting the information and analyzing the data. Data collection used a semi-structured interview protocol applied to ten key informants who participated in the study. The findings were organized around the core category "Reasons that motivate teachers to work with students with disabilities," which made it clear that a commitment to justice, linked to a committed vocation for inclusive pedagogy, are two major motivational forces that are central to directing teachers' motivated action toward the work of educating students with disabilities.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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