The objective was to determine whether there are differences in academic performance in differential and integral calculus in undergraduate engineering students, under the virtual and face-to-face modality. The research was non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative. The sample was non-probabilistic, made up of 60 students in face-to-face mode and 71 in virtual mode of the Industrial Engineering and Computer Science specialties. The study of the academic performance variable was carried out with the minutes of the 2019-II and 2020-I semesters, where medians were evaluated by evaluation criteria, finding that there are significant differences in the evidence of knowledge and product; while for the performance component there is no significant difference for both careers. Likewise, statistically significant differences were found between the academic performance in person and online in the students of each of the engineering careers. Finally, statistically significant differences were found between academic performance in person and online in students of both engineering careers. It can be concluded that the students who took the subject online have a better academic performance than those who took it in person, but it must be specified that said performance is regular.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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