Transportation management and distribution of goods in a transportation company in the department of Ancash


Blas Gonzales Manuel David,Zapana Ruiz Jorge Arturo,Meneses Claudio Brian Andreé


Problems were detected in the logistics management of a transportation company in the Áncash department. The issues are related to the management of transportation and goods distribution. This is because there were instances of lost and damaged products during the routes to each vehicle's destination, indicating a logistical immaturity on the part of the company. Therefore, this research aims to determine the relationship between transportation management and goods distribution in a transportation company in the Áncash department in 2023. The methodology used is a basic correlational study, employing the hypothetical-deductive method. As it is a quantitative approach, a questionnaire was used as the instrument in a population of 84 employees of the company, based on a census sampling. With data processing in the SPSS system, the result is a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0,602, indicating a significant relationship between the two variables under study. In conclusion, this study confirms the connection between transportation and distribution, as both processes are integral to logistics, which, in turn, is part of the supply chain. This connection is essential for achieving logistical objectives in business environments or industries that require transportation and distribution logistics services


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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