Promotion of anti-values in social media discourse – a threat to the proper functioning of society


Banaszak ArturORCID


ObjectivesThe main subject of this article is the harmful influence of some content of social media and the threat related to this content. The research hypothesis is given, that social media are promoting anti-values which may be harmful for society and therefore, some action should be taken to prevent this situation. Article discusses such issues as values and anti-values, the phenomenon of influencer. Some examples of harmful content given by social media also are presented.Material and methodsArticle discusses such issues as values and anti-values, the phenomenon of influencer. Some examples of harmful content given by social media also are presented. The main research method used in this article is the analyzes of different content of social media.ResultsThe result is to show the some social media content can be the destructive and bring threats to proper finctioning of society.ConclusionsThe conclusion of the article is that there is a need and even an obligation to fight with the promotion of those anti-values also on legal ground.


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSGE im. A. De Gasperi w Józefowie

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