Social-Psychological and Legal-Philosophical Characteristics of Personality Anomie




The key to the successful and effective development of any society is the socio-psychological well-being of the population and personality, based on certain legal and philosophical concepts. Modern society experiences a kind of civilizational, philosophical, legal and socio-psychological crisis - the transformation of norms and behavior, against the background of which various forms of deviation are clearly manifested. As a result, in the context of the transformation of society, for a more complete and deeper study of the characteristics of human behavior, it becomes necessary to understand the causes of their occurrence. This methodological position allows first of all describing the mental world of a person who acts in the frames of the certain understanding and perception of social-psychological and legal norms of behavior. In this context, the procedure of psychological and legal-philosophical reconstruction of scientific concept of anomie is used as a methodological tool, which is aimed at analyzing various manifestations of the psyche of the personality and its anomic characteristics.


Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khacatur Abovyan



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