1. US Department of State. 1976d. US Embassy Cable 6272 to State Department, “ROC's Nuclear Intentions: Conversation with Premier Chiang Ching-kuo,” 15 September 1976, Secret Nodis. In The National Security Archive. Electronic Briefing Book 221, The US and Taiwan's Nuclear Program, 1976–1980, edited by William Burr. Available at . Accessed 29 June 2012.
2. US Department of State. 1976b. US Embassy Taiwan Cable 8654 to State Department, “US Nuclear Team Visit,” 30 December 1976, Secret Exdis. In The National Security Archive. Electronic Briefing Book 221, The US and Taiwan's Nuclear Program, 1976–1980, edited by William Burr. Available at . Accessed 29 June 2012.
3. US Central Intelligence Agency. 1972. Special National Intelligence Estimate 43-1-72, “Taipei's Capabilities and Intentions Regarding Nuclear Weapons Development,” 16 November 1972, Secret. In The National Security Archive. Electronic Briefing Book 221, The US and Taiwan's Nuclear Program, 1976–1980, edited by William Burr. Available at . Accessed 29 June 2012.
4. US Department of State. 1973b. US Embassy Taiwan Cable 7051 to State Department, “Fonmin Reaffirms ROC Decision to Refrain From Acquiring Nuclear Reprocessing Plant,” 23 November 1973. In The National Security Archive. Electronic Briefing Book 221, The US and Taiwan's Nuclear Program, 1976–1980, edited by William Burr. Available at . Accessed 29 June 2012.
5. US Central Intelligence Agency. 1978. South Korea: Nuclear Developments and Strategic Decisionmaking. Available at . Accessed 29 June 2012.