1. The mention of ἡμέ(ρα) Σαβ(βά)τ(ου) is not distinctive. For Enna, see Curbera (1996)
2. The most recent official figure for the population of Sicily is 5.04 million (late 2008), with a population density of c.196 inhabitants per sq. km
3. For another proposed but not certain connection with Egypt, see Curbera (1995)
4. The month name Φαῶϕι is attested at Syracuse (IG XIV 160 = NSA 1895: 521 no. 267) and Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG)
5. with the following remarks: IG XIV 461 and 543 are probably from Rome (see IMCCatania 363 and 364); the decoration of the inscription NSA 1880: 36 from Taormina should rather be interpreted as a cross (Ferrua, NG 474) than a menorah