Morphological descriptions of the egg and larval stages ofTrichuris suisSchrank, 1788


Beer R. J. S.


The egg and larval stages of Trichuris suis can be briefly characterized as follows: The egg: barrel shaped, possesses a thick shell consisting of three thick outer layers and an inner thin vitelline membrane, is operculate at each end and is unsegmented and unfertilized when freshly deposited. L. 1 within the egg: presence of an oral spear, a poorly denned oesophagus and an intestinal tract consisting of undifferentiated granulated material. L. 1 within the host: initial differentiation of an oesophagus, cell body, intestine and rectum. L. 2: further differentiation of the body organs and the appearance of the rudiments of the reproductive system. L. 3: initial development of reproductive system and development of a cloaca in the male thus distinguishing the sexes. L. 4: differentiation of reproductive system into vagina, uterus, oviduct and ovary in the female, and testis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, spicule and spicular muscle, sheath and tube in the male. L. 5 or adult stage: completed development of the sexual organs including formation of the vulval orifice and eggs in the female and seminal vesicle in the male.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Infectious Diseases,Animal Science and Zoology,Parasitology

Reference8 articles.

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