The behaviour of polydora ciliata (Johnst.). Tube-building and burrowing


Dorsett D. A.


SUMMARYPolydora ciliata is a spionid polychaete found below mid-tidal level burrowing in a variety of rocks all of which contain calcium carbonate. It can also penetrate some non-calcareous materials such as rotten wood. It excavates a U-shaped burrow which it lines with a tube composed of mucoprotein and sand grains. This tube has a smooth inner lining of mucoprotein. Both food and tube-building material is collected by the palps and it is suggested that discrimination is made chiefly on size of the particle. Selection is made between the limits of 003-0-05 mm, the smaller particles passing down the gut whilst the larger are used in construction of the tube. A particle selection mechanism is suggested. The function of the segmental mucus glands is to provide the inner lining of the tube.The problem of chemical penetration of rocks by animals is discussed. P. ciliata uses both mechanical and chemical methods. No acid has been identified, and the use of a sequestering or chelating agent linked with the biochemistry of mucus is suggested.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference19 articles.

1. The Larvæ of Polydora ciliata Johnston and Polydora hoplura Claparède

2. Formation and nature of the opercular chaetae of Sabellaria;Ebling;Quart. J. micr. Sci.,1945

3. XXIII.—The Feeding Mechanism, Formation of the Tube, and Physiology of Digestion in Sabella pavonina

4. Behaviour and tube building habits of Polydora lignii;Mortensen;Biol. Bull. Woods Hole,1944

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