The nonlinear interaction of molecular matter with
the intense field of a linearly-polarized laser beam, allows
the study of not only the ionization dynamics of the parent
molecule, but also the angular distribution of the exploding
fragments. This is carried out by rotating the polarization
vector of the laser with respect to the laboratory reference
frame. The angular distributions for the CS2,
CO2, N2O, H2S, and CH3I
molecular ions, at intensities of about 1016
W cm−2, are presented. The distributions
seem to be dependent on the molecule under consideration,
but common features are that the peripheral atoms of the
molecule are ejected along the ToF-axis, and the central
atom perpendicularly to it, whenever the polarization vector
and ToF-axis are collinear. It would seem that the distributions
for the lighter of the molecules are partly due to alignment
via dipole moments induced by the laser, as the
distributions narrow as their charge-state increases. This
is indicative of a larger torque acting on the higher-charged
precursor molecular ion, via the interaction of
the field with the laser-induced dipole moment. On the
other hand, the angular dependence of the heavier molecules
studied, are thought to originate from a dependence of
the ionization/dissociation probability of the molecular
ion on the initial angle made between the molecular axis
and the polarization vector, that is, a preferential ionization/dissociation
process. Spatial alignment in the laser pulse, in this
case, is not thought to occur since the peaks do not narrow
as the ionic charge increases. Finally, the results for
H2S and also N2O are particularly
interesting, since distributions for up to S7+
are presented, while the N-distributions show
both a parallel and perpendicular component of the distribution.
Neither of these results has, to the author's knowledge,
been previously observed.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Condensed Matter Physics,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
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7 articles.