A method for finding optimum breeding schemes which maximize
genetic gain under index
selection with constraints on the rate of inbreeding is derived.
The selection index includes
information on the candidate and its sibs. Optimization is for the
numbers of males and females to
be selected and for the index weights when fixed numbers of
offspring per generation, heritabilities
and time horizons are considered. The expected rate of gain after
a number of generations of
selection is combined with the expected asymptotic rate of
inbreeding (ΔF) in a single objective
function which is maximized for finding the optimum solutions.
Under restricted inbreeding,
optimum designs are very similar for maximizing gains at
different time horizons. The optimum
number of selected males (for giving maximum gains) increases with
the size of the scheme and
with the severity in restricting ΔF and decreases with the heritability.
Low heritability, less severe
restrictions on ΔF and large schemes lead to increases in the
relative weights given to performance
of relatives in the index. The presence of common environmental
effects leads to increases in
optimum mating ratio when the heritability is low, to increases in
the number of selected males
and to more intense selection within families. Gains from index
selection are compared with gains
from mass selection. Under restricted inbreeding the advantage of
optimized index selection over
mass selection is only notable when the heritability is low and
the scheme is large (in which case
indices put more emphasis on family information than mass selection)
and when the heritability is
high and the scheme is small (in which case indices put less
emphasis on family information).
Genetics,General Medicine
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31 articles.