AbstractProteolytic activities in extracts from three nematodes, the plant parasites Heterodera glycines and Meloidogyneincognita, and the free-living Panagrellus redivivus, were surveyed for substrate preferences using a battery of seven FRET-modified peptide substrates, all derived from members of the large FMRF-amide like peptide (FLP) family in nematodes. Overall protease activity in P. redivivus was four- to fivefold greater than in either of the parasites, a result that might reflect developmental differences. Digestion of the M. incognita FLP KHEFVRFa (substrate Abz-KHEFVRF-Y(3-NO2)a) by M. incognita extract was sevenfold greater than with H. glycines extract and twofold greater than P. redivivus, suggesting species-specific preferences. Additional species differences were revealed upon screening 12 different protease inhibitors. Two substrates were used in the screen, Abz-KHEFVRF-Y(3-NO2)a and Abz-KPSFVRF-Y(3-NO2)a), which was digested equally by all three species. The effects of various inhibitor, substrate and extract source combinations on substrate digestion suggest that M. incognita differs significantly from P. redivivus and H. glycines in its complement of cysteine proteases, particularly cathepsin L-type protease.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Parasitology