1. Schraad-Tischler Daniel & Kroll Christian , supra note 7, at 47.
2. On the counter-majoritarian concern, see Barry Friedman, The Counter-Majoritarian Problem and the Pathology of Constitutional Scholarship, 95 Nw U. L. Rev. 933 (2001).
3. Questionnaire supporting the own initiative report evaluating the structure, the role and operations of the ‘troika’ (Commission, ECB and the IMF) actions in euro area programme countries, No. 18, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201401/20140114ATT77313/20140114ATT77313EN.pdf. The same question addresses the conformity of decisions arising out of the MoU with the national law of the Member States concerned. In this paper, reference is being made only to the part of the question addressing EU law fundamental rights obligations.
4. This pattern has so far been adopted for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Cyprus. Spain signed a MoU restricted, though, to measures concerning its financial sector.
5. Regulation 472/2013, art. 14, para. 1.