1. Sunstein Cass R. , Constitutionalism, Prosperity, Democracy, 2 Const. Pol. Econ. 371, 385 (1991).
2. Tierney, supra note 17.
3. Venice Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Report on Constitutional Amendment, Council of Eur. 43 (Jan. 19, 2010), http://www.venice.coe.int/webfarms/documents/CDL-AD(2010)001.aspx (last visited June 16, 2015).
4. Such recognition carries its own risks. See Christakis, supra note 81 (arguing that “accepting to extend a right of secession to the post-colonial context would open up Pandora's box by allowing the world's 6000 ethnic groups to claim a right of secession”).