Value-added Norms, Local Litigation, and Global Enforcement: Why the Brussels-Philosophy failed in The Hague


Calliess Gralf-Peter


In the early Nineties the Hague Conference on International Private Law on initiative of the United States started negotiations on a Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (the “Hague Convention“). In October 1999 the Special Commission on duty presented a preliminary text, which was drafted quite closely to the European Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (the “Brussels Convention“). The latter was concluded between the then 6 Member States of the EEC in Brussels in 1968 and amended several times on occasion of the entry of new Member States. In 2000, after the Treaty of Amsterdam altered the legal basis for judicial co-operation in civil matters in Europe, it was transformed into an EC Regulation (the “Brussels I Regulation”).


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference32 articles.

1. On the Brussels I Regulation see, generally Junker, Vom Brüsseler Übereinkommen zur Brüsseler Verordnung - Wandlungen des Internationalen Zivilprozessrechts, in Recht Der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW) 2002, 569 ff

2. Gillies, A Review of the New Jurisdiction Rules for Electronic Consumer Contracts within the European Union', 2001 (1) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT)

3. Reich/Gambogi/Carvalho, Gerichtsstand bei internationalen Verbrauchervertragsstreitigkeiten im e-commerce. Die EG-Verordnung 44/2001 vom 22.12.2000 und der Haager Konventionsentwurf über die gerichtliche Zuständigkeit und die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Entscheidungen in Zivil- und Handelssachen, in: Verbraucher und Recht 269 (2001).

4. ECJ, Decision of 20 February 1979 (C 120/78) "Cassis de Dijon"

5. and the Commission White Paper on the Single Market COM (1985) 310







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