On the generation of surface waves by shear flows. Part 5


Miles John W.


Laboratory and field measurements of the generation of gravity waves by turbulent winds imply that a theoretical model based on laminar flow may be adequate on a laboratory, but not an oceanographic, scale. This suggests that the significance of wave-induced perturbations in the turbulent Reynolds stresses for momentum transfer from wind to waves must increase with an appropriate scale parameter. A generalization of the laminar model is constructed by averaging the linearized equations of motion for a turbulent shear flow in a direction (say y) parallel to the wave crests of a particular Fourier component of the surface-wave field. It is shown that the resulting, mean momentum transfer to this component comprises: (i) a singular part, which is proportional to the product of the velocity-profile curvature and the mean square of the wave-induced vertical velocity in the critical layer, where the mean wind speed is equal to the wave speed; (ii) a vertical integral of the mean product of the vertical velocity and the vorticity ω, where ω is the wave-induced perturbation in the total vorticity along a streamline of the y-averaged motion; (iii) the perturbation in the mean turbulent shear stress at the air-water interface. The equation that governs the advection of the vorticity ω under the action of the perturbations in the turbulent Reynolds stresses is derived. Further theoretical progress appears to demand some ad hoc hypothesis for the specification of these turbulent Reynolds stresses. Two such hypotheses are discussed briefly, but it does not appear worth while, in the absence of more detailed experimental data, to carry out elaborate numerical calculations at this time.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

Reference32 articles.

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