1. Joukowsky N. E. 1918 Vortex theory of screw propeller, IV. Trudy Avia Raschetno-Ispytatelnogo Byuro, no 3, 1–97 (in Russian). French translation in: Théorie tourbillonnaire de l'hélice propulsive (Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1929) 123–198.
2. On the stability of multiple helical vortices
3. Vortex theory of screw propeller, III;Joukowsky;Trudy Otdeleniya Fizicheskikh Nauk Obshchestva Lubitelei Estestvoznaniya,1915
4. Vortex theory of screw propeller, I;Joukowsky;Trudy Otdeleniya Fizicheskikh Nauk Obshchestva Lubitelei Estestvoznaniya,1912
5. Refined Betz limit for rotors with a finite number of blades