Wilberforce and Huxley: a Legendary Encounter


Lucas J. R.


The legend of the encounter between Wilberforce and Huxley is well established. Almost every scientist knows – and every viewer of the BBC's recent programme on Darwin was shown – how Samuel Wilberforce, bishop of Oxford, attempted to pour scorn on Darwin's Origin of species at a meeting of the British Association in Oxford on 30 June 1860, and had the tables turned on him by T. H. Huxley. In this memorable encounter Huxley's simple scientific sincerity humbled the prelatical insolence and clerical obscurantism of Soapy Sam; the pretension of the Church to dictate to scientists the conclusions they were allowed to reach were, for good and all, decisively defeated, the autonomy of science was established in Britain and the western world, the claim of plain unvarnished truth on men's allegiance was vindicated, however unwelcome its implications for human vanity might be, and the flood tide of Victorian faith in all its fulsomeness was turned to an ebb, which has continued to our present day and will only end when religion and superstition have been finally eliminated from the minds of all enlightened men. Even churchmen concede that it was a disastrous defeat. Only Owen Chadwick strikes a note of caution, observing that the account given of the incident in Wilberforce's biography seems hardly consistent with an overwhelming defeat, and maintaining that the received account must be a largely legendary creation of a later date.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference26 articles.

Cited by 95 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. That Huxley Defeated Wilberforce, and Ridiculed His Obscurantism, in the 1860 Oxford Debate;Darwin Mythology;2024-06-06

2. Thomas Henry Huxley, a stone tablet, coccoliths, and deep-sea sediments in the high Alps;International Journal of Earth Sciences;2023-07-15

3. Evolution and Christianity;Elem Problems God;2022-12-08

4. Charles Darwin;Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science;2021

5. Understanding Evolution;2020-09-24








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