Thomas Henry Huxley, a stone tablet, coccoliths, and deep-sea sediments in the high Alps


Bernoulli Daniel,Jenkyns Hugh C.ORCID


AbstractIn the mid-1850s, Thomas Henry Huxley, who coined the term ‘coccolith’, described their presence in oceanic sediments dredged from the sea floor. Subsequent recognition of their occurrence in the Upper Cretaceous English Chalk, largely unconsolidated pelagic sediment, and similar, more lithified limestones in the Jurassic of the Alps, led to their being considered major rock-forming elements through much of geological time, although they are now known to be limited to the Late Triassic–Recent interval. Unlike Charles Darwin, who did not travel abroad following the voyage of the Beagle, Huxley made a number of trips to Italy and Switzerland and is recorded as a guest in the exclusive Hotel Kursaal Maloja in the Engadin in 1893. While staying there, he made a number of excursions on foot and his presence was thought significant enough that it is recorded in an inscribed granitic stone tablet, erected in 1896, describing him as’the illustrious writer and naturalist’. His rambles would have led him past outcrops of tectonically emplaced true oceanic calcareous sediment of Early Cretaceous age, here shown to have originally contained coccoliths that were largely destroyed under the imprint of Alpine metamorphism of sub-greenschist to greenschist facies. To this extent, Huxley could have come close to recognizing true oceanic sediments exposed on land, but the dissimilarity between these Swiss Alpine deposits and the friable English Chalk would not obviously have led to the investigation of the former for the organisms he had christened as ‘coccoliths’.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

Reference48 articles.







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