The food system and climate change: are plant-based diets becoming unhealthy and less environmentally sustainable?


Macdiarmid J. I.


A plant-based diet, which can include small amounts of meat, is the foundation for healthy sustainable diets, which will have co-benefits for health, climate and the environment. Studies show that some of the barriers to making this dietary change and reducing meat consumption are perceptions that plant-based diets are inconvenient, it takes too much time and skills to prepare meals and ingredients are expensive. The food environment is changing and the industry is responding with the exponential increase in the market of highly processed, convenient and cheap plant-based foods. This overcomes some of the barriers, but there is concern about whether they are healthy and environmentally sustainable. Plant-based foods have a halo effect around health and the environment, but many being produced are ultra-processed foods that are high in energy, fat, sugar and salt and have a higher environmental impact than minimally processed plant-based foods. The trend towards eating more highly processed plant-based convenience foods is a concern with regard to both public health and the targets set to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The ‘modern day’ plant-based diet emerging is very different to a more traditional one comprising pulses, vegetables and wholegrain. Studies show that those who are younger and have been a vegetarian for a shorter duration are eating significantly more ultra-processed plant-based foods. While there is a place for convenient, desirable and affordable plant-based food to encourage dietary change, care should be taken that this does not subconsciously set a path which may ultimately be neither healthy nor sustainable.


Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Nutrition and Dietetics,Medicine (miscellaneous)

Reference39 articles.

1. Ultra-Processed Foods and Food System Sustainability: What Are the Links?

2. 7. Public Health England and the Food Standards Agency (2020) National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme years 9 to 11 (2016/2017 to 2018/2019). (accessed September 2021).

3. Multiple health and environmental impacts of foods

4. Can we cut out the meat of the dish? Constructing consumer-oriented pathways towards meat substitution

5. Food Technology and Plant-Based Diets







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