1. Moghadam V. , “Islamic Populism and the Transitional State in Iran”. Paper presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, San Francisco (November 1985).
2. Oil revenues for 1986 were projected at a maximum of U.S. $9 billion. This has placed a severe strain on the economy and might explain the rumors of a long-term loan being sounded Out with Japan (which would be the first time Iran has gone on the market since the Revolution). The Islamic Republic is also negotiating a loan from the IMF. See “Roads to Damascus,” South (London, July 1986), p. 26.
3. ICRW/AID 1980.
4. A personal acquaintance, a young chemical engineer who left Iran in 1985, was the production manager of a major chemicals plant, overseeing 1,500 workers and six lines of production. She told me that, in addition to economic need, her educational achievement led her to seek employment. Personal communication, April 22, 1986.