AbstractSegregation vesicles have been recognized in two plagiophyric dolerite dykes in northwestern Ireland. The vesicles are each outlined by a rim of tangentially arranged plagioclase, and filled to a variable extent by a fine-grained, crescent-shaped lining of fractionated residual melt. They closely resemble segregation vesicles reported from Atlantic ocean-floor basalts.It is suggested (1) that the vesicles began as CO2-rich bubbles released during decompression; (2) that these bubbles grew very little during crystallization, while H2O became concentrated in the residual melt; and (3) that exsolution and expansion of H2O-rich vapour forced interstitial residual melt through the rigid but permeable framework of crystals and into the existing CO2-rich bubble cavities.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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24 articles.