1. The Spatial Articulation of Urban Political Cleavages
2. Party Splits, Not Progressives
3. Sullivan, Katherine . 2019. “While the Notion That Women Are Making Great Gains in Canada's Municipal Politics Persists, the Data Say Gender Parity Is a Distant Dream.” Policy Options, November 4. https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/november2019/only-a-fifth-of-canadian-mayors-are-women/.
4. Ogilvie, Megan , Tulk, Cameron and Plana, Andres . 2020. “How Well Are Women Represented on Your Local City Council?” Toronto Star, March 8. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/03/08/how-well-are-women-represented-on-your-local-city-council-search-our-database-to-find-out.html.
5. The Electoral Fortunes of Women Candidates for Congress