1. See Secretary General, Report of the Secretary-General: Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies, para. 6, U.N. Doc. S/2004/616 (Aug. 23, 2004):
2. For a detailed analysis of EU conditionality on democracy and rule of law, see in particular Dimitry Kochenov, EU Enlargement and the Failure of Conditionality: Pre-Accession Conditionality in the Fields of Democracy and the Rule of Law (2008).
3. See Cremona, supra note 59, at 11.
4. Id. at art. 7.
5. For an analysis of the EU's activities for promoting the rule of law in third countries, see Elena Baracani, EU democratic rule of law promotion, in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law. Anchoring Democracy? 53 (Amichai Magen & Leonardo Morlino eds., 2009).