1. AGI, Indiferente, leg. 1705.
2. AGI, Indiferente, legs. 1346, 1347, 2468, and 2469.
3. AGI, Ultramar, leg. 725; AGI, Mexico, legs. 1552, 1558, 1562, and 1569; and AGI, Indiferente, legs. 664 and 665. The permissions granted in this period for the free importation of foreign iron tools for sugar cultivation, and for certain types of trade between Spanish and alien colonies, might seem to undermine imperial interdependence. Policy-makers, however, reasoned that these measures helped colonial producers without creating competition for Peninsular interests.
4. British Policy and Spanish America, 1783–1808
5. Soler to Espinosa, 22 October, 1804, in AGI, Indiferente, leg. 1702.