Understanding Barriers to Emergency Care in Low-Income Countries: View from the Front Line


Levine Adam C.,Presser David Z.,Rosborough Stephanie,Ghebreyesus Tedros A.,Davis Mark A.


AbstractIntroduction:Morbidity and mortality due to acute but treatable conditions remain high in the developing world, as many significant barriers exist to providing emergency medical care.This study investigates these barriers in a rural region of Ethiopia.Hypothesis:The limited capacity of frontline healthcare workers to diagnose and treat acute medical and surgical conditions represents a major barrier to the provision of emergency care in rural Ethiopia.Methods:Health providers at a convenience sample of 16 rural health centers in the state of Tigray, Ethiopia completed a questionnaire designed to assess the availability of diagnostic and treatment modalities, the proximity and methods of transportation to referral facilities, and health providers' level of comfort in diagnosing and treating a variety of representative emergency medical conditions.Results:Thirteen (81%) providers had only a very basic level of medical training, and seven (44%) lacked access to any diagnostic equipment.While most providers could offer oral rehydration solution (ORS), anti-pyretic medications, and antibiotics, none of the providers could offer blood transfusions or any form of surgery. Ten (63%) respondents stated that their patients had to travel >10 km from the health center to a referral hospital, with only a minority of patients having access to motorized transport. For the seven emergency conditions assessed, a majority of providers felt comfortable diagnosing these conditions, though fewer felt comfortable treating them.Conclusion:There is a significant need for both health worker training and improvements in transportation infrastructure in order to increase access to emergency medical care in rural areas of the developing world.Low-cost interventions that improve human capacity in a context-appropriate manner are warranted as transportation and hospital network capacity expansions are considered.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Emergency,Emergency Medicine

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