We quantified and compared the effect of element spacing on contour
integration between the achromatic (Ach), red–green (RG), and
blue–yellow (BY) mechanisms. The task requires the linking of
orientation across space to detect a contour in a stimulus composed of
randomly oriented Gabor elements (1.5 cpd, σ = 0.17 deg), measured
using a temporal 2AFC method. A contour of ten elements was pasted into
a 10 × 10 cells array, and background elements were randomly
positioned within the available cells. The effect of element spacing
was investigated by varying the mean interelement distance between two
and six times the period of the Gabor elements (λ = 0.66 deg) while
the total number of elements was fixed. Contour detection was measured
as a function of its curvature for jagged contours and for closed
contours. At all curvatures, we found that performance for chromatic
mechanisms declines more steeply with the increase in element
separation than does performance for the achromatic mechanism. Averaged
critical element separations were 4.6 ± 0.7, 3.6 ± 0.4,
and 2.9 ± 0.2 deg for Ach, BY, and RG mechanisms, respectively.
These results suggest that contour integration by the chromatic
mechanisms relies more on short-range interactions in comparison to the
achromatic mechanism. In a further experiment, we looked at the
combined effect of element size and element separation in contour
integration for the Ach mechanism.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Sensory Systems,Physiology
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46 articles.