A hierarchical model of perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping


Wang Yunjiao,Kilpatrick Zachary P,Josić Krešimir


AbstractAmbiguous visual images can generate dynamic and stochastic switches in perceptual interpretation known as perceptual rivalry. Such dynamics have primarily been studied in the context of rivalry between two percepts, but there is growing interest in the neural mechanisms that drive rivalry between more than two percepts. In recent experiments, we showed that split images presented to each eye lead to subjects perceiving four stochastically alternating percepts (Jacot-Guillarmod et al., 2017): two single eye images and two interocularly grouped images. Here we propose a hierarchical neural network model that exhibits dynamics consistent with our experimental observations. The model consists of two levels, with the first representing monocular activity, and the second representing activity in higher visual areas. The model produces stochastically switching solutions, whose dependence on task parameters is consistent with four generalized Levelt Propositions. Our neuromechanistic model also allowed us to probe the roles of inter-actions between populations at the network levels. Stochastic switching at the lower level representing alternations between single eye percepts dominated, consistent with experiments.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Reference84 articles.








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