1. B.N. Topornin, et. al. op.cit.
2. J. A. Sokolova, Rule-making of Executive Power Bodies and Mechanism of Law Realization II Financial law 2006, No. 6, Pp. 9 – 11.
3. Teremeckiy G.N. “Separation of Powers,” in Theory and Practice of Bourgeous States, abstract of candidate of law's thesis (Moscow: Moscow State University, Law Faculty, 1951). P. 14. Hereinafter, all sources are in Russian.
4. Court Practice as a Source of Law / B.N. Topornin, et. al. (Moscow: Jurist, 2000); A.N. Kokotov, Legal Nature of Constitutional Court Decisions / Russian Legal Journal 2006, No. 1, Pp. 73 – 81.
5. See, e.g., Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 4-P of February 2, 1998 / SZ RF 1998, No.6, Item 783.