1. Tarrant, A. , Ladlow, L. and Way, L. (2020a) ‘From social isolation to local support: relational change and continuities for young fathers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis’, Working Paper No 2, https://followingyoungfathersfurther.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/COVID-19-FYFF-Briefing-Paper-Two.pdf [accessed 13.09.2022].
2. Fatherhood Institute (2021) ‘Dads shut out: FI boosts support to UK family services’, http://www.fatherhoodinstitute.org/2021/dads-shut-out-fi-boosts-support-to-uk-family-services/ [accessed 17.12.2021].
3. “I thought, Oh shit, because I was 19.” Discourses and practices on young fatherhood in Denmark
4. Comparing the responses of the UK, Sweden and Denmark to COVID-19 using counterfactual modelling
5. Tarrant, A. , Way, L. and Ladlow, L. (2020b) ‘Negotiating ‘earning’ and ‘caring’ through the COVID-19 crisis: change and continuities in the parenting and employment trajectories of young fathers’, Working Paper No 1, https://followingyoungfathersfurther.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/COVID-19-FYFF-Briefing-Paper-One-Earning-and-Caring.pdf [accessed 13.09.2022].