1. Evidence-Based Medicine
2. Howick, J , Chalmers, I , Glasziou, P , Greenhalgh, T , Heneghan, C , Liberati, A , Moschetti, I , Phillips, B and Thornton, H (2011) The 2011 Oxford CEBM Evidence Levels of Evidence (Introductory Document). Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Available at https://www.cebm.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/CEBM-Levels-of-Evidence-Introduction-2.1.pdf [20 March 2020].
3. NHS England (2018) Lawyers who target the NHS banned from advertising or setting up shop in hospitals. Available at https://www.england.nhs.uk/2018/01/lawyers-who-target-the-nhs-banned-from-advertising-or-setting-up-shop-in-hospitals/ [20th March 2020].
4. Progress in Evidence-Based Medicine
5. Safety in healthcare is a moving target