Muddasil Sherryl Kathleen,Ututalum Charisma,Asiri Masnona
Balancing one’s life with all of the responsibilities they have and be able to find joy in it is one of the best things that one can have in life. However, the ideal concept of work and life balance is not achieved due to certain factors that have a great impact in real life experience. Using the quantitative descriptive method, this study aims to assess the work life balance and job satisfaction among faculty members selected from nursing schools in Sulu. The findings revealed that they have a positive view with regards to the concept of work life balance, but uncertain in terms of workload and leave policies. They also have a positive outcome with the concept of job satisfaction. Lastly, it was also found out that work life balance played a big role in improving the job satisfaction of faculty members in nursing schools. These findings suggest that school administrators shall formulate better policies and guidelines among faculty members in a way to strategize the assignment of workloads. Moreover, an open communication among faculty and other school officials shall happen to determine the expectations and set the standards that will meet the school’s improvement while not compromising the well being of the teaching force.
Stratworks Research Incorporated
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