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5. 5) Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, “Kinintei anken niyoru kokumin futan no yokusei ni muketa taiou (Measures to reduce the public burden through certified points)”, p. 13, (online), available from <https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/enecho/denryoku_gas/saisei_kano/pdf/009_02_00.pdf >, (accessed 2020-01-03) 資源エネルギー庁「既認定案件による国民負担の抑制に向けた対応」, p. 13, (オンライン), 入手先 <https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/enecho/denryoku_gas/saisei_kano/pdf/009_02_00.pdf >, (参照2020-01-03)