Launching a saliva-based SARS-CoV-2 surveillance testing program on a university campus


Ehrenberg Alexander J.ORCID,Moehle Erica A.,Brook Cara E.,Doudna Cate Andrew H.,Witkowsky Lea B.,Sachdeva Rohan,Hirsh Ariana,Barry Kerrie,Hamilton Jennifer R.ORCID,Lin-Shiao Enrique,McDevitt Shana,Valentin-Alvarado Luis,Letourneau Kaitlyn N.,Hunter Lauren,Keller Amanda,Pestal KathleenORCID,Frankino Phillip A.,Murley Andrew,Nandakumar Divya,Stahl Elizabeth C.,Tsuchida Connor A.,Gildea Holly K.ORCID,Murdock Andrew G.ORCID,Hochstrasser Megan L.ORCID,O’Brien Elizabeth,Ciling Alison,Tsitsiklis Alexandra,Worden KurtreshaORCID,Dugast-Darzacq Claire,Hays Stephanie G.,Barber Colin C.,McGarrigle Riley,Lam Emily K.ORCID,Ensminger David C.ORCID,Bardet Lucie,Sherry Carolyn,Harte Anna,Nicolette GuyORCID,Giannikopoulos Petros,Hockemeyer Dirk,Petersen Maya,Urnov Fyodor D.,Ringeisen Bradley R.,Boots Mike,Doudna Jennifer A.,


Regular surveillance testing of asymptomatic individuals for SARS-CoV-2 has been center to SARS-CoV-2 outbreak prevention on college and university campuses. Here we describe the voluntary saliva testing program instituted at the University of California, Berkeley during an early period of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020. The program was administered as a research study ahead of clinical implementation, enabling us to launch surveillance testing while continuing to optimize the assay. Results of both the testing protocol itself and the study participants’ experience show how the program succeeded in providing routine, robust testing capable of contributing to outbreak prevention within a campus community and offer strategies for encouraging participation and a sense of civic responsibility.


David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation

Burke Foundation

Greater Good Science Center, University of California Berkeley

Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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