Spatiotemporal variation of malaria incidence in parasite clearance interventions and non-intervention areas in the Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia


Zeleke Melkamu TirunehORCID,Gelaye Kassahun Alemu,Yenesew Muluken Azage


Background In Ethiopia, malaria remains a major public health problem. To eliminate malaria, parasite clearance interventions were implemented in six kebeles (the lowest administrative unit) in the Amhara region. Understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of malaria is essential for targeting appropriate parasite clearance interventions to achieve the elimination goal. However, little is known about the spatiotemporal distribution of malaria incidence in the intervention and non-intervention areas. This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of community-based malaria in the intervention and non-intervention kebeles between 2013 and 2018 in the Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. Methods Malaria data from 212 kebeles in eight districts were downloaded from the District Health Information System2 (DHIS2) database. We used Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model to investigate seasonal variations; Anselin Local Moran’s I statistical analysis to detect hotspot and cold spot clusters of malaria cases; and a discrete Poisson model using Kulldorff scan statistics to identify statistically significant clusters of malaria cases. Results The result showed that the reduction in the trend of malaria incidence was higher in the intervention areas compared to the non-intervention areas during the study period with a slope of -0.044 (-0.064, -0.023) and -0.038 (-0.051, -0.024), respectively. However, the difference was not statistically significant. The Global Moran’s I statistics detected the presence of malaria clusters (z-score = 12.05; p<0.001); the Anselin Local Moran’s I statistics identified hotspot malaria clusters at 21 locations in Gendawuha and Metema districts. A statistically significant spatial, temporal, and space-time cluster of malaria cases were detected. Most likely type of spatial clusters of malaria cases (LLR = 195501.5; p <0.001) were detected in all kebeles of Gendawuha and Metema districts. The temporal scan statistic identified three peak periods between September 2013 and November 2015 (LLR = 8727.5; p<0.001). Statistically significant most-likely type of space-time clusters of malaria cases (LLR = 97494.3; p<0.001) were detected at 22 locations from June 2014 to November 2016 in Metema district. Conclusion There was a significant decline in malaria incidence in the intervention areas. There were statistically significant spatiotemporal variations of malaria in the study areas. Applying appropriate parasite clearance interventions is highly recommended for the better achievement of the elimination goal. A more rigorous evaluation of the impact of parasite clearance interventions is recommended.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



Reference58 articles.

1. WHO. Global technical strategy for malaria 2016–2030. Geneva World Health Organization; 2015. Report No.: 9241564997.







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