Classification of Business Ecosystems of the Russian Territory Bordering China


Sazanova S. L.1


1. State University of Management; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The theory of business ecosystems is becoming more and more popular in modern economic science, there is more and more applied research of business ecosystems in individual industries and territories. At the same time, there is no unified classification of business ecosystems in modern economic science. The works of Russian and foreign scientists mention digital ecosystems, technological ecosystems, communication ecosystems, but they are all considered in the sectoral and / or cross-sectoral context, without any connection with a specific territory. Thus, despite the initially ecological primary source of the concept of "ecosystem", the territorial aspect of business ecosystems is insufficiently studied, in our opinion. The article provides a classification of business ecosystems of the Russian border with China on the basis of a systemic economic approach for further study, forecasting and management of socio-economic ecosystems of business in border areas.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Publishing Agency Science and Education

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